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This repo holds special and exclusive content of darkened mods for the world of BuufJuiced.

Disc Dark NL iOS13 - 3.7

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3.88/5 (32 votes).

This will theme your Dialer, Passcode and InCall with a great look.

It can't be directly themed but needs a mnaul approach.

This is not for noobs.

Because of all the different devices, languages and extra’ s the files can named differently then I have in my pack.

It will only work if my pack has the same named then in the original folder. And off course are dropped in the right location.

My pack will install in var/mobile/Documents and will be called BuufJuiced Phone UI Packs.

The Disc NL iOS13 setup works on my device running the Dutch language and normal sized text (non bold).

Maybe also for other non-english users?!