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PhoneUI Modder - T1000 - 1.2

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3.91/5 (44 votes).

Automatic method using Shortcuts


Only for those who have Siri turned on, are familiar with Shortcuts and have switched "Allow Untrusted Shortcuts" to "On" in Settings/Shortcuts.


Step 1:
Install SSH Toggle and Port from Cydia

It will appear in Settings as OpenSSH, switch SSH on, Allow Root Login on, SSH Port: 22,2222
(BTW this tweak allows a CC switch that can be added)

Step 2:
Navigate with Filza to var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/Phone, press Phone, you'll notice there's one long string with letters and numbers, it's the UUID (it's different for each device).
Click on the address bar and select this string (not the whole path).
Copy/paste it to Notes.

Step 3:
Locate var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/InCallService, same procedure.

Step 4:
Download a PhoneUI pack from the repo, it will install in var/mobile/Documents/BuufJuicedMods/PhoneUI/"yourpack"/225 and 150/TelephonyUI-7


PhoneUI Modder Shortcut:

Install the shortcut from the package installation page (click the link), scroll down to the bottom and accept "Add Untrusted Shortcut", you'll be prompted with 2 questions, after answering each, press Continue:

A- Enter the UUID for the Phone, paste yours from previously copied in Notes
B- Enter the InCall UUID, paste it too

You're set! When launched you'll be presented with a menu, it's self explanatory. Always read the prompts before clicking OK. Start with Find Resolution, the shortcut will find the icon's size, read the prompts and change if needed

[[ Skip this step if your SSH password is "alpine" (default).
If you changed it, enter shortcut edit mode by pressing the 3 dots on the top right corner, scroll down to action "Run Script Over SSH" / "show more" and enter new password - some need to change the value "mobile" for user to "root:your new password".
Keep scrolling down and repeat the same operation with the 2 other "Run Script Over SSH" actions ]]

- Thanks to ToraNine, Midnite and ᵖᶠᵍ from the Shortcuts discord.

- A special shout out to the guy that cracked the manual method for ios11 : Nguyēn Thanh

- And last but not least the guy from BuufJuiced team called Tito12 (creator of this ShortCut)